Your Purchases Can Help Your Favorite Non-Profit Earn Fundraising Dollars (up to 25%)
KSP Stores has created 3 Fundraising Discount Codes for each of our participating nonprofit organization's members to share with their friends and family. You can search the list to send love and funds to your favorite Non-Profit.
You can choose from 3 discount / fundraising dollar codes for each group / org:
HERO - 0% Discount / 25% Fundraiser Donation
SUPPORTER - 5% Discount / 20% Fundraiser Donation
SHOPPER - 10% Discount / 15% Fundraiser Donation
No matter which option you choose, a 2% donation to one of the following charities is made on behalf of KSP Stores: = St. Judes Cancer Research = Special Olympics = ASPCA = Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer = Wounded Warrior
KSP Stores has created 3 Fundraising Discount Codes for each of our participating nonprofit organization's members to share with their friends and family. You can search the list to send love and funds to your favorite Non-Profit.
You can choose from 3 discount / fundraising dollar codes for each group / org:
HERO - 0% Discount / 25% Fundraiser Donation
SUPPORTER - 5% Discount / 20% Fundraiser Donation
SHOPPER - 10% Discount / 15% Fundraiser Donation
No matter which option you choose, a 2% donation to one of the following charities is made on behalf of KSP Stores: = St. Judes Cancer Research = Special Olympics = ASPCA = Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer = Wounded Warrior
Please search the list below to find a Discount / Fundraiser Donation Code to save money on your transaction and to help raise funds for your favorite non profit.